Mars View Of Venus

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. From the way God designed them to the way they are socially conditioned to think and act and to what they become- they are so, to put simplistically, different. A mutual appreciation and understanding would help all, so I believe. The blog is my attempt to combine real life experiences primarily around human behavior and personal life with some problem solving, psycho-social analysis and soul searching to make our lives better.

I happened to read the story and personal diary of Sweety and felt that there are so many small lessons, small steps, small things that the more knowledgable of us can and should share that can add up to make a huge difference to lives of others.. Lessons from tragic story of Sweety - may be sometime later though here it is for the curious mind.

Caveat- I am an Engineer MBA and no psychologist, no author, no sociologist  (I only have an interest in these areas and so try to pretend ) - the kind  who can solve complex differential equations, sees numbers and logic in everything and who w'ont know despite all attempts to understand what women want. Quite often, I dissect issues with logic, where emotion would make sense. But quite often its also the reverse where people act according to their heart, only to lose rationality that was needed.

Home was the place for personal life, and office for work. But no longer so. Office has so much of relationships, social media has, and home has it too. Despite relationship density and reach expanding techies write more geek blogs than on relationships and I attempt to correct some imbalance. To avoid losing track we need to keep adjusting our sight as Mars view of Venus is changing every moment.

I believe in only reality and the closest I come to appreciate fiction is in my belief that truth is stranger than fiction. Most posts will be around my colleagues/relatives/friends in office, family, neighbourhood, social media (and occasionally media celebrities). I do respect their privacy and the trust they imposed in sharing their inner secrets with me. I may even state judgmental interpretations. That is Mars view- its essential to the story. But what I promise is that I have suitably anonymized the posts while still maintaining the integrity of the story. If the posts are used and shared so as to reach just one person whose life changes for the better by reading it, the purpose of my writing and that of contributors/readers is solved. Lets learn from each other, from our mistakes, from other's mistakes, for a better world. And if it happens to be ur own story...just take my view as an additional viewpoint from a neutral unbiased observer- it would do you good no matter whether you choose to ignore, counter or agree to it .

Comments on the post and contribution of your own experiences is the fuel that keeps this blog alive! Happy life!